Its October -- Breast Cancer Awareness Month

I want to write this blog because this month is breast cancer awareness month and I believe there is a lot to debate on this issue. My first issue would be if people support breast cancer awareness and their  intentions are to fight ignorance and lack of education about it; then why would companies use products (that don't help your odds of not developing cancer) to raise awareness through giving or offering products to people that maybe be a cause or link to cancer in general?
This link Here explains more.

Diet and Physical Activity: 

What’s the Cancer Connection?

How much do daily habits like diet and exercise affect your risk for cancer? Much more than you might think. Research has shown that poor diet and not being active are 2 key factors that can increase a person’s cancer risk. The good news is that you do something about this. Besides quitting smoking, some of the most important things you can do to help reduce your cancer risk are:
  • Get to and stay at a healthy weight throughout life.
  • Be physically active on a regular basis.
  • Make healthy food choices with a focus on plant-based foods.
The evidence for this is strong: Each year, about 585,720 Americans die of cancer; around one-third of these deaths are linked to poor diet, physical inactivity, and carrying too much weight.
The picture above is an example and I don't believe even as a customer; I would not consider my self as a supporter in fighting breast cancer if  I was subjecting myself to better chances of developing  cancer with every bite of the donut that is decorated to support breast cancer. I also don't agree that when visiting websites like the National Breast Cancer Organization fail to mention anything about the benefits of cannabis. Like this video link: Targeted therapy mentions nothing like this video does:Molecular Biologist Explains How THC Kills Cancer Cells and this article about the video:Article  But they do mention the benefits of cannabis here on this site:National Cancer Institute. So when I started doing my research about what can, what does and doesn't cause cancer and I found this D news video on youtube explaining that bra's do not cause cancer. Here So I ask myself after noticing all these big companies call themselves involved with the breast cancer awareness just so they can sell more product. (can we blame them if we are the dumb humans that fall for marketing because of ignorance/lack of education.) Or should these companies be held a little more responsible and not be allowed to convince or put the idea in your mind that buying a product that you plan to consume is for a good cause and that cause is the (awareness) around breast cancer; wile failing to label or mention that their product may boost or help the cause of cancer cells? Read more about this in this article Here My goal is just help people realize the do have the freedom of choice and you can and do choose what you decide to consume and if your someone like myself that is disabled and or don't exercise that much; this should not be an excuse to get over weight or out of shape. You can maintain a healthy lifestyle by being carefull and more aware of the food you consume and your exercise comes from your daily task, but if you want muscle and strength then of course you would need to work out. From my personally experiences in my past I remember as a child being around family and there was always sweets and treats and the grown ups would also eat deserts most the time before bed like ice creams cookies and all tho now i'm looking back on it and I don't remember any adults explaining to me the effects of sugar or the potential health problems that come from eating unhealthy. Who would of knew eating unhealthy would taste so good? I believe its our duty now as parents to limit ourselves and our children's exposure to potential unhealthy food, teaching our children the respect for their own health and respect the food by showing them how to make healthy choices. Read this Article about GMO's Video about food products 


So It is your choice on how you want to really support breast cancer awareness. Will you do it by subjecting yourself at the marketers and companies hands or by ultimately just supporting a healthier life style. Here is a good way and the right way to spread awareness Making strides

 Buy your very own NEVER2MUCH BOOBIES T-shirt to help awareness and healthy living all year around. 

(Cannabis, commonly known as marijuana and by numerous other names, is a preparation of the cannabis plant intended for use as a psychoactive drug and as medicine. Wikipedia)

Click here for : National Breast Cancer Organization

Article about GMO's
